ARC.NET.AU Australia provides high quality networking services to the business community, educational and private users to promote and enhance network connectivity. An Acceptable Use Policy follows, which enables users to gain maximum benefit from the services through responsible and ethical usage. Usage of the ARC.NET.AU network constitutes an agreement to abide by this policy. Actions contrary to the policy are strictly prohibited.
This statement provides guidelines for the acceptable use of ARC.NET.AU for data and Internet communications. In instances where data communications leave ARC.NET.AU systems and are carried by other networks or the Internet, ARC.NET.AU subscribers and connecting networks are advised that the acceptable use policies of other networks are applicable, and must be respected. ARC.NET.AU subscribers must take responsibility for their actions on the ARC.NET.AU system and the systems accessed through it.
Subscribers to ARC.NET.AU services must:
- Make themselves aware of and respect the conventions, guidelines and culture of the Internet and, where in doubt, to inquire with ARC.NET.AU
- Conform with ARC.NET.AU Acceptable Use Guidelines detailed below
- Take responsibility for their actions when using ARC.NET.AU facilities and resources
- Take responsibility for distribution, publication and enforcement of the ARC.NET.AU Acceptable Use Policy at their sites. In addition, each ARC.NET.AU subscriber shall provide this policy to appropriate administrative authorities at all sites connected to theirs via connections not directly supported by ARC.NET.AU.
Following is a list of actions which are defined as being contrary to acceptable usage. This list is non-exclusive. Any action about which there is any doubt should be referred to ARC.NET.AU for evaluation. Actions which constitute unacceptable usage include, but are not limited to:
Security Violation
Any unauthorised use of accounts, computers or the Network by an ARC.NET.AU subscriber in order to make or attempt unauthorised entry to other accounts, computers, communications devices or other resources, whether or not the attacked resource belongs to ARC.NET.AU, will result in action against the attacker. This includes:
- Unauthorised security probing activities or other attempts to evaluate the security integrity of a network or host system without permission
- Attempting, in any way, to interfere with or deny service to any user or any host on the Internet
- Conform to domain name policy as governed by AUDA
- Attempting to cancel, supersede, or otherwise interfere with email or USENET posts other than that of the subscriber
- Intentionally seeking information on, obtaining copies of or modifying files, other data or passwords belonging to other subscribers without permission
- Propagation of computer worms or viruses
Resource Usage
No system has unlimited resources and subscribers are required to act responsibly when consuming ARC.NET.AU resources.
Arc.Net's public policy regarding Internet emails and general Internet information.
If you have any important and/or time critical information, please arrange to follow up with a Fax or phone confirmation of your communication with the appropriate recipient, this is due to the fact that Internet Email can be held up in transit from location(s) A to B. Time delays are not common but can occur due to the following reasons :-
The fact is that the Internet is a " Global Public Network ", that constantly and dynamically changes, minor outages or interruptions are to be expected, from time to time. Equipment and configuration upgrades must take place on a regular basis, and to support this activity outages will occur at random from time to time.
The world wide web is a vast network so there is no avenue to inform the public of outages. Backup support to your data, ecommerce, www sites is important. Proper backup of all of your procedures is an essential component of your daily business. Storage of data per week at a remote secure location to your business is important because of the fact that the Internet is a "global public network" that constantly and dynamically changes, minor outages or interruptions are to be expected from time to time. Equipment and configuration upgrades must take place on a regular basis, and to support this activity outages will occur at random from time to time.
Transmission of Illegal Material
It is not acceptable to use ARC.NET.AU or any of its facilities for any purposes which violate applicable State, Territory, Commonwealth or International laws or regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, copyright material, material legally judged to be threatening or obscene, and material protected by trade secret, whether or not the subscriber was aware of the content of the material or of the relevant law.
Forging email or USENET posting header information.
This practice is highly unethical.
Unsolicited Mail Messages.
Sending a message, especially an advertisement, to more than five or six recipients is unacceptable unless the individuals have specifically requested to be added to a mailing list on that topic. E-mail is a person-to-person medium, not a broadcast medium.
Chain Letters.
Posting a chain letter to Newsgroups or via e-mail is prohibited under Australian law.
Posting Inappropriate Messages To USENET Newsgroups.
Commercial advertisements are unwelcome in most USENET discussion groups and on most email mailing lists and participants in those Newsgroups object strongly to commercial traffic. Each Newsgroup focuses on a particular, well defined and narrow, set of topics. Posts not directly related to these topics are not appreciated. Subscribers must review the Newsgroup's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) or charter document as to whether advertising is allowed or not. Subscribers must be familiar with the culture and guidelines of a particular Newsgroup before posting.
"Spamming", or sending a message to several off-topic Newsgroups, is particularly unethical. Posting encoded binary files to USENET Newsgroups not specifically named for that purpose is also unacceptable.
Harassment via email, IRC and other Internet services is a serious breech of conduct and a misuse of Internet resources. Harassment includes: use of foul and/or abusive language; sending excessively large and/or frequent messages.
Violation of Policy
ARC.NET.AU will review any alleged violations of the Acceptable Use Policy on a case by-case basis. Violations of the policy may result in the immediate suspension and/or termination of any or all ARC.NET.AU services without notice and the forfeiture of all moneys paid to ARC.NET.AU to date. Action will also be taken to recover any costs and/or damages incurred by ARC.NET.AU as a result of actions contrary to the terms of this policy. Evidence of illegal or prohibited activities may be disclosed to law enforcement authorities.
To report a violation of ARC.NET.AU Australia's Acceptable Use Policy (this document), please send details, including any appropriate (complete copy) of the article or e-mail message, to
ARC.NET.AU reserves the right to modify this policy at any time.